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I've joined, now what?

Welcome young padawan

This is where the fun begins.

Here's a puzzle for you :

Get your gift by decoding this challenge -

Add Security Champion events to your calendar

To check all events, and add them to your own calendar, go to your outlook calendar and select the Security Champion Calendar from group calendars:

Security Champion Calendar

Note: This option might not be available on Mac, if that is your case, another option is to use outlook through connectit to add the events.

You can also find a calendar of events on SharePoint

Relevant Slack channels


#AppSec Most general information should be posted here so everyone in Equinor has access to it and can participate! Dropping a @appsecteam in this channel will get our attention immediately.

Relevant events

  • Check out the events section for the different events we have going on as well as our past events